Abdessamad Esrhir
2 min readJun 10, 2021

Using a Designer to Create Your Logo

To establish market recognition, logo design has become a need for businesses. Most businesses ensure that they have a logo design, but having an “appealing” logo design is even more crucial than having a logo design. “Appealing” refers to the features of the logo that will help your business in the way you intended.
Designing a graphical illustration is not a difficult task these days, but logo design is much more than that.
It must include all of the characteristics that distinguish it from competitors and provide a break from the monotonous designs that your target audience is exposed to throughout the day. This one-of-a-kindness is what will aid logo design in hastening your company’s growth.
Now that you’ve decided on a sound and appealing logo design for your company, you must choose who will create it.
Do you want to design it yourself or hire a professional?

You can create a logo on your own.

It is not a bad idea to try to design your logo, but you must have the necessary experience. If you are skilled in the art, no one can design a logo better than you since you meet all of the prerequisites, namely, you are the most knowledgeable about your company, and thus you will be able to present an accurate picture of your company to your target audience.

Obtaining the Services of a Professional Designer.

If you or anyone in your organization lacks the necessary ability to design a logo, you should hire a professional logo designer. However, many businesses do not hire a professional designer even if they lack the necessary experience. just to save money, but what they do is put their company’s reputation and strength at risk. As a result, one should understand the importance of a logo for one’s business and choose the appropriate way.
A competent designer possesses all of the necessary skills.
Because he is the best knowledgeable about industry trends, he will make your logo look professional.

Have a thorough conversation with the designer.

To assess the designer’s strength, one must first have a lengthy chat with him or her. The next step is to describe your company’s characteristics to him or her. Until and unless the designer is fully informed about your company. How can you expect him/her to provide your company a distinct personality?
As a result, it’s critical to inform the designer of everything you want your logo to convey.

One thing to bear in mind is that the designer’s advice should be taken into consideration because he or she knows the field far better than you do.

Abdessamad Esrhir

my name is Abdessamad I graduated from IT management in 2018 and Since 2019 I have started my business as an affiliate marketer.